Thursday, July 3, 2008

July 2, 2008

Today we had our first class for the history of Australia class. It was really interesting and I like my professor. I know I learned a little about the history this past spring for one of my classes but it will be more interesting to see it in person. Tamika and I went to work out today and the gym is really neat. It has two levels and there are a lot of cardio equipment and LOTS of weight lifting equipment. Then we went to the State of Origin game. That was lots of fun. It is a rugby game between Queensland and New South Wales, which are two of the states, and lots of people are into this. I think they said 75,000 were in attendance. There were people all daya wearing their respective jerseys and it reminded me of football season. I had a really good time.


dougal said...

Is rugby like football or soccer? Nice picture!

dougal said...

Enjoy the 4th of July in Australia--what fun to be at the opera!!